Peer 2 Peer 4 Justice Indonesia – Netherlands Legal Network







Periode: 1 Januari 2021 – 1 Januari 2022
Donor: Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC)


1.1. The Partner’s tasks and responsibilities are specified as follows:
a. To co-organise together with CILC the related project activities and co-design mission agenda’s
b. To provide substantive input and outputs in relation to the project activities and documents
c. To maintain contact with the Indonesian beneficiary institutions and other relevant Indonesian partners if needed
d. To provide logistical and practical support in the preparation, implementation and after care of missions and other activities
e. To participate in the Working Group Indonesia meetings that take place in Jakarta and provide input on the agenda
f. To ensure proper and timely administrative management

1.2. The Partner shall timely report on the progress of tasks and activities to the CILC Project Manager. ;

1.3. The Partner shall timely submit all outputs related to the specific assignment and according to the Terms of Reference (ToR), the reporting format and in line with the financial reporting instructions.;

1.4. The details of the assignment will be specified in the ToR ;

1.5. In no case the Partner shall deliver any written document or report or other output of the Project to the financer of the Project directly. Derogation from this rule may be possible in exceptional cases but only after the written consent from the Client has been given through CILC. ;

1.6. If the Partner feels hindered in the free undertaking of the assignment, she will report this to CILC in writing.