Dr. Dian Rositawati, S.H., M.A.


Dian Rositawati adalah Peneliti Senior pada Lembaga Kajian dan Advokasi Independensi Peradilan. Dian terlibat dalam penyusunan Cetak Biru Mahkamah Agung di 2001-2005 dan 2010 yang kemudian menjadi fondasi reformasi peradilan di Indonesia, dan terus terlibat aktif dalam pelaksanaan rekomendasi Cetak Biru. Dian memberikan asistensi kepada Mahkamah Agung dalam berbagai program pembaruan peradilan khususnya di area organisasi peradilan, pelatihan hakim, manajemen perkara, serta pengawasan. Sejak 2019, dia bergabung sebagai Anggota Tim Asistensi Pembaruan Peradilan pada Mahkamah Agung RI yang memberikan rekomendasi kepada Pimpinan MA dalam berbagai aspek pembaruan. Dian memperoleh gelar Master dalam bidang Hukum, Pembangunan dan Globalisasi dari School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London; dan menyelesaikan studi doktoral pada Universitas Tilburg di Belanda pada 2019. Disertasinya berjudul “Judicial Governance in Indonesia: Judicial Independence under The One Roof System.” Selain itu Dian juga mengajar pada Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia dan Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera, serta menjabat sebagai Program Director dan International Fellows pada Center for Human Rights and International Justice di Stanford University.

Dian Rositawati is a Senior Researcher at the Indonesian Institute for Independent Judiciary (LeIP), one of the leading research institutes in the field of law and judicial reform in Indonesia. Dian was involved in the drafting of the Supreme Court Blueprints in 2001-2005 and 2010 that have become the foundation of judicial reform in Indonesia and has played an important role in their implementation efforts ever since. She provides on-going assistance to the Supreme Court in various reform programs in the area of court organization, judicial training, case management, and judicial oversight mechanisms. Since 2019, Dian serves as a member of the Judicial Reform Team Office at the Supreme Court of Republic Indonesia and provide advice and assistant to the Supreme Court leadership in the various reform issues. Dian holds a Master Degree in Law, Development and Globalization from School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London and completing her PhD at the Tilburg University in the Netherlands in 2019. Her dissertation titled “Judicial Governance in Indonesia: Judicial Independence under The One Roof System.” In addition to teaching courses at the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia and the Indonesia Jentera School of Law, she is also a Program Director and International Fellows of the Center for Human Rights and International Justice at the Stanford University.