Improving Effectiveness of the Justice Sector to Prosecute and Adjudicate Corruption Cases






Periode: 1 April – 31 December 2018
Donor: The Asia Foundation – USAID CEGAH


1. Supreme Court ability in developing corruption case data warehous to provide better quality judgment is strengthened;

2. Sentenxing discrepancies on corruption cases are reduces by developing guidelines on substantive aspect of handling corruption case between AGO and KPK.

  • Conducting preparation work and strategic meeting to develop/improve data warehouse corruption cases.
  • Organizing series of interviews with KPK, Kejaksaan, and other stakeholders on coordination and supervision in handling corruption cases.
  • Drafting technical guideling for data warehouse on corruption case management.
  • Drafting coordination and supervision guidelines in handling the corruption cases for KPK and Kejaksaan.
  • Finalizing technical guideline for data warehouse on corruption case management.
  • Finalizing coordination and supervision guidelines in handling corruption cases for KPK and Kejaksaan and trial/piloting.