Faizah Sururi, S.iKom.


Ruri bergabung di LeIP sejak Februari 2015. Memulai karir sebagai Staf Admin Program, saat ini Ruri diberi kepercayaan untuk menduduki jabatan Manajer Kantor sejak Maret 2022. Selama berkarir sebagai Staf Admin Program, Ruri telah membantu program-program yang dijalankan oleh LeIP diantaranya Judicial Sector Support Program, Enhanced knowledge comprehension and skills of judges and prosecutors to provide a qualified legal argumentation in cases related to blasphemy, Pengelolaan Pelibatan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil dalam Pembaruan Mahkamah Agung RI melalui Kantor Tim Pengelolaan Pembaruan Peradilan, Enhancement of Human Rights and Environmental Protection in Training and Policy in the Judicial Process in Indonesia, dan program-program lain guna mendukung kinerja para peneliti LeIP. Dengan posisi sekarang sebagai Manajer Kantor, Ruri berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk membuat Pekerjaan dan Kenyamanan para Karyawan di LeIP.

Ruri joined LeIP in February 2015. Starting her career as Program Admin Staff, currently Ruri has been promoted with the position of Office Manager since March 2022. During her career as Program Admin Staff, Ruri has helped programs run by LeIP including Judicial Sector Support Program, Enhanced knowledge comprehension and skills of judges and prosecutors to provide a qualified legal argumentation in cases related to blasphemy, Management of Civil Society Organization Involvement in the Reform of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia through the Judicial Reform Management Team Office, Enhancement of Human Rights and Environmental Protection in Training and Policy in the Judicial Process in Indonesia, and other programs to support the performance of LeIP researchers. In her current position as Office Manager, Ruri makes every effort to make the work and comfort of employees at LeIP.